Remote DPO

A data protection officer (DPO), also known as a privacy officer, supervises the handling of personal data in an organisation. Is there a need for a DPO in your organisation? Legal ICT can fulfil the role of DPO, operating remotely.

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Years of experience in the field of privacy & law

In their role as remote DPO, our privacy lawyers can perform a wide range of tasks for you, including creating privacy awareness in your organisation, advising on and monitoring compliance with the GDPR, reviewing privacy documents and concluding data processing agreements. 

Our privacy lawyers have extensive experience in the role of DPO. We will take care of your issues in relation to the GDPR and we guarantee a flexible collaboration that can be terminated with a month’s notice.

The privacy lawyers of Legal ICT are members of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E) certified. This ensures that your organisation always has up-to-date and specialised privacy knowledge.

Benefits of engaging a DPO through Legal ICT

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Professional: an experienced and practice-oriented privacy lawyer at your disposal.
Flexible: guaranteed flexible collaboration without a notice period.
Quick deployment: our DPOs can be deployed immediately.
Versatile: your DPO is not only an expert in the field of privacy, but also an all-round ICT lawyer.
''The expertise of Legal ICT means you only need half a word to be fully understood, and to make the right choices. Short response times make for a pleasureable customer experience!"
- Yourhosting

Our privacy advisors

Meet our privacy advisors. They will be happy to assist your organisation with practical advice:

Curious about our other DPO services?

Legal ICT offers various DPO services. Looking for other possibilities to fulfill the role of DPO within your organisation?

View all our DPO services

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Would you like to learn more?

For more information, call +32 (0)2 808 17 41. You can also leave a message using the form; one of our trainers will then contact you.

When you enquire about our services, we will always first arrange a non-binding introductory meeting by phone, at our office or at your premises.

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