Personal health environment (PGO)

One of the aims of digitalisation in healthcare is that everyone should be able to view, manage and share their data online. Since 1 July 2020, this has even been enshrined in law.

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Support from Legal ICT

In most cases, care provider keeps the records of their patients or clients in an electronic care information system (EPD/ECD). To give patients and clients digital access to their health records, a personal health environment (PGO) has been introduced. A PGO is a digital environment in which patients can view, manage and share their own health data. Patients can decide which information from which healthcare provider should be stored in the PGO.

This ‘new’ way of sharing data with the patient has a lot of implications for both the healthcare provider and ICT provider. What do the parties have to arrange in terms of the legal aspects? The MedMij agreements system is relevant here, in addition to laws and regulations.

We would be happy to support you in applying the agreements system and laws and regulations in your practice.

Our support can include advising on how to comply with laws and regulations, drawing up or reviewing documents, handling negotiations and providing continuous remote or on-site support.

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We have experience in providing legal advice and training to healthcare providers, ICT service providers, sector organisations and government bodies on various matters, including:

  • Digitalisation of client/patient access to health records by means of the personal health environment (PGO) by applying the MedMij agreements system.
  • Translating the MedMij agreements system into the agreements to be made in the chain of ICT service providers in both the healthcare provider domain and the personal domain.
  • Advice on the various questions in relation to the authentication and consent of the patient or client.
  • How online services qualify in legal terms. For example, determining whether the online service qualifies as an electronic exchange system, a care information system, a medical device or an information society service. But also whether a particular digital process qualifies as the provision of care, and whether it leads to the formation of a treatment agreement.
  • The documents used for the purchase or provision of online services and the standard conditions often applied for this, i.e. the General Purchase Conditions in Healthcare (AIVG), the General Purchase Conditions of the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU), the general terms and conditions drawn up by NLdigital (formerly Netherlands ICT) and/or the data processing agreement drawn up by the Sector Organisations in Healthcare (BoZ).
"Legal ICT is open, flexible, effective and to the point."
- SURFnet

Our legal advisors

Meet our legal advisors. They will be happy to assist your organisation with practical advice:

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When you enquire about our services, we will always first arrange a non-binding introductory meeting by phone, at our office or at your premises.

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